2024-2025 BHS Ultimate Frisbee
Registration Instructions
All players, new and returning, read and complete all the steps.
Deadline for All Steps: Saturday, September 28
If you are interested in playing Ultimate frisbee at BHS this season, fill out this player interest form. All interested players who fill out the form will receive information about our first practice and parent meeting on Sunday, September 15, where you can learn more about the season. Students of all gender identities and all levels of ultimate frisbee experience are welcome and encouraged to join!
Yes, returning players DO need to fill out this form.
Print and fill out this medical authorization form, and bring it to the first Sunday practice you attend, please do not bring this form to a weekday practice.
NEXT, as soon as you are sure you want to join the team complete your registration by doing Steps 3-4. The deadline to register is Saturday, September 28.
All players need a USA Ultimate membership to play on BHS Coup. This is the org that provides our insurance and runs leagues and tournaments we participate in.
If you played last year at either BHS or your middle school, you probably already have a USAU account and an active membership that will be valid through December 2024, you can just sign in and retrieve your USAU ID here.
If you've never had USAU membership, you (player) will need to register here, and then add a Youth Intro Membership, which is a reduced price membership for $20, and will be valid until December 2024.
In Jan 2025, all Coup players will have to renew their USAU memberships and at that time, BHS Coup does pay for player registration fees that will cover players from Jan-Dec 2024.
You will need your USAU ID for Step 4, TeamSnap registration, so take care of this first.
We use TeamSnap to register players and for all team communications - please read all the instructions all the way through before you click the link to get started.
Click on this TeamSnap registration link when you are ready to begin.
If you already have a TeamSnap account, login at the prompt, and you will see the registration form for ultimate. Select “New Signup” to begin. All players, new and returning, need to create a “New Signup” for this year.
If you do not already have a TeamSnap account, click on the registration link, use the Sign Up link in small blue text to quickly create a new TeamSnap account. After you create the account and are logged in, clicking on the registration link above will bring up the registration form and you will select “New Signup” to begin registration.
NOTE: We recommend that players login to or create their own TeamSnap accounts with their student emails instead of using an account a parent might already have - of course you should set this up however works best for your family, but keep in mind coaches will use the TeamSnap app chat to communicate with players so it’s important players have their own accounts. Parent emails are collected in the registration form as well and will be added to team communication lists.
Have your parent/guardian handy during registration for help with info and payment.
Annual Fee Information: Since BHS Ultimate is a club team and not funded by BHS athletics, we do have an annual fee. This fee of $375 helps us cover costs for fields, insurance, coach gifts, and other basic operations and is collected as part of the TeamSnap registration process. No players will be turned away due to lack of funds, so if you need a team fee scholarship, email parent volunteer registrar Chaghig Walker at BEFORE you start your TeamSnap registration.
Once your TeamSnap registration is complete, you will see it listed in your account home page, but you won’t yet be assigned a team -- that’s OK and will happen after the September 28 deadline, and you’ll get a notification when it does.
Questions? Contact Chaghig at